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Book Reviews
“A Competent Logic Textbook”
by Nobody
A competent logic textbook would: Pursue alternatives having sufficiently beneficial overall results or pursue least harmful alternatives in Hobson's choices, except in rare cases when combinations of rules and results outweigh only results. Make sufficient open-minded searches for good points. Weigh accurately the good points from all relevant sides against each other, regardless of irrelevant social and other pressures to reflexively reject some sides and give extra weight to preferred sides. It would prescribe something similar to the direct rating method to compare the good points from various sides. Treat fallacies as worthless to argument weight, not as strikes against an argument. Keep looking for more important problems. Treat ethical behavior as more important than all other traits combined. That textbook does not yet exist.
Available for free at nowhere.
— JT Fournier, last update August 8th, 2023
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